Safeguarding... Everybody... Everyday

Fairfield Primary School is committed to the safety and the well-being of its pupils and staff.

The school recognises the importance of providing an ethos and environment that will help children to feel safe, secure and respected; encourage them to talk openly; and enable them to feel confident that they will be listened to.

In order to help promote this ethos within school, we have a number of resources which provide clear information and support to all pupils and stakeholders.


Across our school site, safeguarding displays are an integral fixture. These displays are distinctive as they each have the same, uniformed colour scheme comprising of a blue background and red border accompanied by a clear heading. Our displays which are aimed at pupils and parents/guardians are located in our main school hall and KS1 entrance. Our staff safeguarding displays are present in both staffrooms and in the PPA room. All of the displays are regularly updated to reflect changes in policy/procedure. They are regularly referred to and have an element of interaction to ensure they don’t become ‘wallpaper’ but instead are useful sources of information.


To support our distinctive, safeguarding displays we also have a number of school posters which are displayed across the site, including in all classrooms, teaching spaces, offices and communal areas. Within each classroom and teaching space, our ‘Trusted Adult’ poster is clearly displayed beside the entrance/exit point. This poster explains to children who they can talk to at school, at home and/or in the wider school community if they have any personal worries or if they have concerns for a friend, fellow peer or sibling. As part of our PSHE curriculum, the posters are referred to by staff to ensure pupils understand the terminology and who their trusted adults are.

Trusted Adult Poster

Moreover, across the school our ‘Implementing the Child Protection Cards’ are displayed. These, combined with our ‘Safeguarding Responsibility Poster’ (both aimed at adults), help to promote the ethos that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibly and keeps it at the mind front of all staff and volunteers in school. These resources provide key information to adults, including who to speak to if they have any concerns, relevant contact details and procedure.

Safeguarding: Poster and Procedure Card (Adult)

Finally, at each main entrance, greeting all visitors, staff and parents/guardians is a poster displaying the names and faces of our safeguarding team at Fairfield Primary School. This visually highlights who the designated people with responsibility for safeguarding and child protection are and who to speak to if anyone has any concerns.

Safeguarding: Team Poster


At Fairfield Primary School, we have designed two useful leaflets, which outline vital information in relation to safeguarding. The first leaflet is specifically aimed at adults (volunteers/visitors etc.) as it provides essential information on key policy and procedure.  The second publication, is a child-friendly safeguarding leaflet which explains how children can be supported if they have any worries or concerns and who they can talk to in school, at home or in the wider school community. Both leaflets are readily available, clearly displayed and updated when necessary.

Safeguarding Leaflets


In our school library, we have a wealth of child-friendly texts which staff can direct children to. The books are separately displayed for ease of access and the texts cover a range of sensitive issues from diversity, to bullying to feeling anxious. Some of the texts are shared by our pastoral team as part of their intervention.